I have 2 questions for you ……
- When was the last time you looked at your company’s website?
- When was the last time you “really” looked at your company’s website?
I know you are saying that the 2 questions above are the same, but they really aren’t!
Let’s consider the following example:
You are a fitted kitchen company that offers supply and fit, your target market could be people that want to spend £15k plus on a kitchen or that you want people to spend £3k on revamping their kitchen
Have you used images of £15k kitchens on the site or some of your lower value kitchens? – if you aren’t showing £15k type kitchens then potential customers that want to spend that sort of money will assume that you don’t supply the quality that they are looking for or if you use only high end photos customers that only have £3k to spend will assume that you are too expensive
Is the font high end?
For example
Comic Sans font does not look like high end and is good to get across price competitive information
Monotype corsiva looks more stylish and therefore more expensive and is a good way of getting across high end examples
Are your colours attracting high end or low end customers?
For example gaudy colours tend to attract the lower end where it’s all about being bold and standing out
More subtle pastel colours tend to make people think of more high end/spend
There are of course exceptions to all rules but these are a good general starting point
There are no right or wrong images, text or colours to use on a website they just need to be the right ones to attract the customers that you want.
So now go and “really” look at your website – is it attracting YOUR type of customer?
Remember a good marketing consultant will be able to give you help and advice on not just where to put your website but also how it should look when it does come up.