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Create your own X (formerly Twitter) moments

Updated 8 October 2024

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That’s right – you now have the power to create your very own moment.

What’s an X (formerly Twitter) moment?

A “moment” is a collection of tweets about big news stories: pictures, videos and so on.

But what about your moments?

Moments opening up to the public is a big deal; you can collage your tweets into a lovely story with commentary.

Things you can do with moments:

  • Summarise a campaign: bundle all your polls, pictures, links, retweets and replies into one lovely package to share.
  • Launch a guide to something: write a step-by-step process from your own advice tweets.
  • Analyse a news story: collect news sources into one place to help you either work out or share what’s going on.
  • Do a roundup: your favourite facts, inspiration or feedback of the day.
  • Survey a group’s emotions: scour for opinions on a subject and pull them together in a debate.
  • An ‘in case you missed it’: summary of an event you’ve put on, through your eyes and the tweets of attendees.
  • Build a blog post: collect relevant tweets and then embed in your blog with no extra effort.

Create your first moment

1. Click the moments tab and hit create new Moment
2. Write a title and description, then set a cover image for your moment
3. Add tweets to your moment

This can be from a list of tweets you’ve liked, or you can search specific accounts. You can also search for tweets linked to a topic or paste in a direct link to a tweet.

Just go down the list of tweet and click the tick mark next to the ones you want to include. The text and media will show up when you publish.

4. Check your options

In the options menu, you can choose to alert people that your story contains sensitive material, include a location or share your moment privately (so it can only be found by a link).

5. Share your moment

What you get out at the end is a link like any other (it will show up with your story’s title and cover image), which you can share to your page. The story will also go into the main moments feed.

6. Embed your moment

Once it’s published, you can view your moment and get the link to send people or grab the embed code. This stuff is a ready-made blog post for you, so it’s a great time-saver.

Should you bother with X (formerly Twitter) moments?

It takes minutes and you may find it useful even if it’s just for sharing what’s going on with social to people in your business.

Being able to build a really engaging news story for your blog in minutes is potentially a really cool way to kill two birds with one stone, so it’s worth a quick try to see how you like it.

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