Keywords have always been – and still are – an important factor to consider when creating a website. However, up until recently, the Google algorithms could be partially duped by strategically placing keywords into formulaic copy with poor website design. Not any more.
What is Google Panda?
Google Panda is a brand new system of algorithms being used by Google which essentially has the ability to distinguish between quality, well-written websites and basic, poorly designed, unreliable ones. It works by investigating the reliability of the site, largely through user response assessment. The new system is named after the engineer Navneet Panda, who was involved in creating the more complex algorithms which could differentiate between quality sites and poor quality sites.
How could Google Panda affect my website?
If Google Panda spots a poor website, it will banish it to the lower rankings. Therefore it is crucial to ensure that your website is a) well written and relevant with non-clunky writing, b) well designed and user-friendly, and c) advertised in social media, thus increasing the site’s availability for comment and sharing. The Panda especially targets poor structure and copy as found in many ‘self-made’ websites, seen by many businesses as a cheap, easy way to advertise. Not so effective if your site is weeded out by the Panda.
Does the domain name of my site matter?
Yes! The domain name is one of the very first places that Google Panda assesses your website, so it must contain relevant keywords (and your company name if possible).
The conclusion?
Don’t take short-cuts. Make sure your website contains quality copy and design, and has a relevant domain name, or you will risk the wrath of Google Panda!