Choosing a web address for your website needn’t be difficult or time-consuming. However, there are some very common mistakes people can make when choosing a web address, which we have listed here so that you can avoid them! 1. Choosing a very long domain name. These take longer to type in manually, and don’t look as ‘tidy’ and professional as shorter domains. 2. Making it too complicated. Don’t alienate users with long, complex domain names! Keep it simple wherever possible. 3. Not incorporating keywords. The domain name is a very important place to have keywords, as it holds a lot of precedence with search engines. 4. Not making it easy to spell or say. Internet users must be able to spell or say the domain name easily, in order to type it in quickly or pass on the address to their friends and business associates. 5. Not keeping it relevant to your company’s profile. If your domain name has no relevance to your company or the service/products you provide, you might confuse internet users. 6. Incorporating hyphens and digits. Hyphens can look unprofessional and make domain names more difficult for internet users to type, putting off potential customers. 7. Using a domain name which is very similar to a larger brand’s domain name – this can make your business look like a cheaper knock off version of the bigger brand – and more importantly, can lead to legal repercussions.