Building business for the future
There’s no standing still in business; making correct insights into the future and acting on them is a constant challenge. We shared our Future Gazers report with a collection of entrepreneurs in very different industries to get their predictions on how these key trends will affect their business.
Channelling Nostradamus and other prophets of yesteryear, we gave each business owner a historic makeover to help them truly get in the future gazing mindset…
Charlie Thuillier, Oppo Ice Cream
Charlie Thuillier of Oppo Ice Cream thinks a sense of occasion and richer experiences in consumption will become increasingly important, especially within the food sector.
Naomi Reilly & Sarah Slade, Seven Seventeen
Naomi & Sarah of mood-boosting candle brand Seven Seventeen see flexibility as being the most important game changer in the future of business, especially for the rise of working mums.
Tim Antos, Kokoon
Tim Antos of Kokoon puts experience at the core of his crowd-funded tech start-up, and feels the future will enable us to live on our own terms.
Future Gazers report
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