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Dynamic Keyword Insertion – Tips on Why to Use It

In my campaigns, each adgroup has multiple adtext in it. At least two, at most 4. If they are search campaigns, they are generally with a split between DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion) and set static Ad text headers. Why both and why DKI? DKI is a way to have really relevant adverts. Add as the…

In my campaigns, each adgroup has multiple adtext in it. At least two, at most 4. If they are search campaigns, they are generally with a split between DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion) and set static Ad text headers. Why both and why DKI?

DKI is a way to have really relevant adverts. Add as the header or even in the body of the ad, {Keyword: PPC Specialists}. This is telling Adwords, please use as the header for my advert the exact term the person has typed into Google. If it’s too long, then use my reserve of ‘PPC Specialists’ to head the advert. If their search term isn’t too long, then it will be the header of your advert and will be in bold blue. Relevant, eye catching and compelling – oh that’s exactly what I searched for, I’m going to click on that link.

DKI ads generally have very healthy click through rates, meaning people are seeing your advert, liking what they see and clicking on it. Obviously ad position has a part in this as well, if you’re at position 8 you will have a lower CTR with DKI or not as you’re assuming the user will scroll down to the second fold of the page and have a click and end up on your lovely website.

You should though, always use static adverts as well, at least to trial. This is because if you are bidding on very competitive high costing keywords the chances are they are being professionally managed by someone who knows what DKI is. This potentially could mean multiple other adverts are using the technique of DKI and therefore your Ad header will read the same as many of the other ads, all in bold. Not so eye catching now is it!

Another caveat, I personally would not use this technique on brand adverts. If someone accidentally types your brand in incorrectly or isn’t too sure on how to spell it, the DKI setting will mean the header of your advert is also misspelt. If the user knows they spelt the brand name wrong, they may think your too incompetent to spell your brand name right, if they think that’s how you spell it anyway it’s poor brand awareness for you.


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