So you have now created your business profile page on Twitter, embedded a link on your website and linked back to your site on your profile. Building a large and relevant following is important and this post is a guide to effectively managing this critical process.

The key to building a following is to start by following others, it’s easy. Follow others and inevitably this will lead to people following you. Surprisingly, the percentage of people that will follow you once followed can be as high as 70-80%. The key is to follow people you wish to interact with and are likely to interact with yourself. Don’t make the mistake of following just anybody as this could have a negative impact on your Twitter specific SEO. Another trap to avoid is to ‘buy’ followers from random online companies; this will be detrimental in the long run.
I also recommend following personalities like Alan Sugar and Theo Paphitis and businesses like Google and Microsoft. This way you can be updated with the latest news and be linked to some high authority Twitter profiles.
Recently, it was confirmed that number of Twitter users is a key factor for search engine ranking but that’s not the only factor that influences SEO.
Number of followers is a key indicator to search engines giving a measure of how popular/trusted you are. I recommend focussing on building a following of people that are connected in some way to your business. Connect with people and businesses that already have large followings as well as smaller local businesses/people that you could interact with.
Building relationships should be the primary objective when it comes to using any social media marketing, not just getting followers.
We will cover quality of followers in the next post as numbers are not everything.