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Do Good, Generate Great Content

As a small business, you probably have something to do with your local community. Maybe you get involved in the annual fun run, maybe you sponsor the cakes at Chamber of Commerce meetings. This stuff is GOOD but the next step is to get yourself an official charity partner. If you’re thinking that sounds a…

A brighter imageAs a small business, you probably have something to do with your local community.

Maybe you get involved in the annual fun run, maybe you sponsor the cakes at Chamber of Commerce meetings.

This stuff is GOOD but the next step is to get yourself an official charity partner. If you’re thinking that sounds a bit spendy for something that isn’t going to get you any return – stick around.

7 things you don’t have that a charity partner can give you:

1. Authenticity

We’re marketing to people and charging them money – we’re evil. Any business needs to be seen to give back and have a sense of social responsibility.

It makes you seem like you have integrity (I’m not saying you don’t already but we can’t assume your target audience knows that!), helping your customers trust what you say.

2. Loyalty

Building a feel-good community around your brand can help you keep customers, especially if you involve them in the program.

Things like updating them on what’s going on and offering tickets to events make it a value-add for them – one that could keep them from going elsewhere.

3. Beautiful owned media

A charity partner has experience-led media: social media and blog fodder. You can post lovely pictures from stock banks but they’re not real – a charity’s are.

4. User-generated content

Great feel-good content from the people the program has helped, without pushing a product. If it ties in nicely to what you do, giving away your product or service (or just manpower) here and there will show off what you do without shouting it.

5. The right to talk about a wider range of subjects

It can be really hard to think of things to talk about beyond selling your product. Having a charity partner that’s related to what you do opes you up to discussing wider issues.

Example: you’re in charge of running the blog for your metal fabrications company. You partner with a youth apprenticeship scheme. You can suddenly talk about topics like getting into the industry, feature case studies from the program, take on work experience kiddies… It’s almost too much content and I’m getting jealous.

Little hint – when you can, always pick the kids. They are a goldmine. Aaaaand now I feel evil again.

6. Clear moral message

Beyond giving your customers good prices and an excellent service, what are your beliefs and principles? Writing them down isn’t enough – people still wouldn’t be able to say what you represent off the cuff. Piggy-backing an existing ‘good’ name gives you that by association.

7. Wider brand reach

Everything your charity partner does, you have visibility. They’ll use your logo and ‘sponsored by’ tagline, giving you great exposure at their events and on their site.
[bctt tweet=”If you’re marketing, you’re evil. But a charity partnership could help shift that perception.”]

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