When you’re creating your business website, you’ll need to think carefully about your content – the information you want to include.
A good starting point is to think of the sort of basic information you would include in a traditional press advert:
Who you are – a brief business description
What products or services you offer
What’s special about your business
How much you charge
Who you are and what you do
As a minimum, you need to give your contact details. Provide an email address or contact form, a phone number and a fax number if you have one. Include your address too, even if customers are unlikely to write or visit.
Just like a press advert, it’s worth trying to think up a simple, clear message that you want your website to put across as part of your online marketing strategy. But with a website, you can go further. There’s space to go into as much detail as you want, and it doesn’t cost much to add extra information.
How much information is too much?
At the same time, you don’t want to overdo it. You shouldn’t expect visitors to your website to read long, detailed product descriptions. What you really want is just enough information to encourage them to take action – to place an order, or to call or email you for more information.
How can a copywriter help?
An experienced website copywriter can work with you to strike the right balance. They can also help you identify other kinds of online content to interest your visitors and help you achieve your marketing objectives. For example, you might want to add:
customer support information, such as product manuals or answers to FAQs (frequently asked questions)
special offers and news, to help keep your website fresh and encourage visitors to keep coming back
interesting articles – for example, if you run a restaurant, you could share a few popular recipes
images or video clips
customer testimonials
Final touches
Finally, check whether your business website has got the right content by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes for a moment. If your website includes all the information they need – presented in a way that they’ll find interesting – you’re doing a pretty good job.