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Facebook PPC and Google Analytics

If you send your Facebook PPC traffic onto a Facebook page, this won’t mean all that much to you as Facebook tracks all that internally. It will let you know where people have clicked, if they ended up liking you, if they shared a post and all the other millions of things you can now…

If you send your Facebook PPC traffic onto a Facebook page, this won’t mean all that much to you as Facebook tracks all that internally. It will let you know where people have clicked, if they ended up liking you, if they shared a post and all the other millions of things you can now do to interact with a brand.

If you are sending it off Facebook onto your website and you use Google Analytics, then this is what you need to know to manually the URLs.

The link to your website, the URL needs to have extra tracking attached to it so that Analytics will record where it came from. Best way in Facebook is to have quite small campaigns, think of the campaigns as AdWords adgroups. You can easily create a new campaign when you select the campaign you want your advert associated with – at the bottom.

Find the best landing page possible for the traffic. Then visit Google Analytics URL Builder.

It is reasonably self explanatory. The fields you must fill in are marked with a *. Source allows you to indicate where the traffic is coming from, in this case Facebook but same principle for Linked in or even a specific link on Twitter.

Medium is, in this case ppc or cpc whichever you prefer. Content and name are not completely necessary but make for tidy house keeping and the campaign name is definitely needed. If I was say doing a PPC recruitment campaign and the advert was for people in Brighton listed as liking AdWords, I would have this as PPC_Brighton_AdWords at the end of the advert. String, if I was sending them here would be something like: – URL
?utm_source=facebook – Source that is sending the traffic 
&utm_medium=ppc – What it is
&utm_campaign=Brighton_LikeAdWords – Term which will allow you to remember which ad is which.You can make this longer if needed or have an overall reference sheet for what’s what. 

Put them together and you get:

Always check that it works. Always. Then add it.

If you are writing multiple Facebook ads, using the ‘Create a similar advert’ shortcut you can just amend the reference at the end, i.e. if a different location, change Brighton to Wolverhampton. Again check it works.

Just as with AdWords, you track the keywords, with Facebook you need to track the demographics. This is how you do it and optimise accordingly. To find the data create an advanced segment in Analytics for the right date range and see how it’s going.

I often find there is a massive bounce rate between the age groups or gender so this is always something to consider. Find what works and direct the budget at that. Don’t think of all your Facebook adverts as one big entity because if there are targeting 70,000 people and spending $200 a day of your hard earned cash then this is not a bright idea!

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