From robot co-workers to 4-hour working days, acclaimed futurist and author James Wallman’s in-depth report on the next 30 years in business reveals seven key trend predictions which will shape the way we operate our businesses. Introducing key insights from the report Old-school thinking is out, with our working days becoming shaped with productivity at the helm, and…

- Easy money
- Four-hour work day
- Small firm, big data
- The cobot revolution
- The experience economy
- The Hollywood way
- The reputation game
From robot co-workers to 4-hour working days, acclaimed futurist and author James Wallman’s in-depth report on the next 30 years in business reveals seven key trend predictions which will shape the way we operate our businesses.
Introducing key insights from the report
Old-school thinking is out, with our working days becoming shaped with productivity at the helm, and the often negatively viewed ‘rise of the robots’ seen in a new positive light.
“The internet has made life far easier for all businesses – increasing channels to market, reducing costs and barriers to entry. But on the other hand, it seems to have created winner-takes-all markets.
James Wallman, Future Gazers report for Yell Business
Read on using the links above to find out what’s in store for you and your business by 2050.
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