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The impermanent nature of gender

As well as self-identifying with more gender descriptors, people will also be more fluid with how they see themselves. James Wallman’s argument is that if you’re set to live 100 years then you have more time to experiment with your identity, whether that be gender, career or any other area of your life you choose.…

Image of silhouettes of people

As well as self-identifying with more gender descriptors, people will also be more fluid with how they see themselves. James Wallman’s argument is that if you’re set to live 100 years then you have more time to experiment with your identity, whether that be gender, career or any other area of your life you choose.

Beyond gender

Icons like Miley Cyrus and Jaden Smith have talked openly about their gender fluidity and gender is becoming less salient. This makes the concept of gender equality less relevant.

“Gender’s not so important to people because they’re switching from one to another. So we’re moving to a time from where the conversation was about equality between men and women to a question of equality generally.”

James Wallman, The Future of Gender Equality Report


The new watchword is “intersectionality”, which considers all forms of oppression — like racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism — and shows how they are interconnected. A society of people choosing more genders, and being more fluid between those genders, is likely to create a society of people with more understanding for others.

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